Angela and Eddie – Wayland NY- Summer 2009

Investigators on site; Jennifer, Tim and guests Traci and Herb (filming for Lifting the Veil)

Claims; Angela has seen various figures and movements throughout the home. They have 3 children and they have all seemed to experience visuals as well. They are very young in age. The baby screams at something that is not seen and the other children are afraid to be alone upstairs. Eddie has experienced things that he has written off as logical, but Angela is the one that sees the most in this home. She has started taking many pictures which she feels has captured many faces in them.
There were many experiences during this investigation. Some were captured on EVP and some on video. Due to our confidentially clause that TWPG group holds with our residential clients, we are not able to disclose most of the evidence we gathered on this case. The wishes of the client are to keep that confidential.
We did receive permission by both Angela and Eddie to release the clip that we have here now.
This site has been rumored to be haunted for a number of years, and since our investigation, the client’s have moved and are living in a quieter place with their children.

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